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Aviation Diploma Program (Part Time)

Welcome to Journey Air Pilot Training, where we understand that your dreams of flight shouldn’t be hindered by other commitments.

Our Aviation Diploma Program for Part-Time student pilots offers a flexible pathway, allowing you to pursue your passion for aviation while balancing other responsibilities. This program is designed for individuals aiming to achieve a minimum of 2 bookings a week, empowering you to progress steadily toward your goal of becoming a pilot.

Our Approach

At Journey Air Pilot Training, we believe in a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

Our instructors are not just mentors but partners in your journey, providing guidance, encouragement, and expertise every step of the way. We foster a culture of excellence, where your success is our priority.

Achieve 2 Bookings a Week

The expectation of a minimum of 2 bookings a week reflects our commitment to ensuring consistent progress toward your goal. This manageable target allows you to balance your other commitments while steadily advancing in your training. Through dedication and focused effort, you’ll acquire the skills necessary to meet this goal and progress confidently in your aviation journey.

Diploma Program Overview

Our comprehensive Aviation Diploma Program for Part-Time students is thoughtfully structured to accommodate diverse schedules without compromising the quality of training. Whether you’re working professionals, students, or individuals with varied commitments, our program is tailored to suit your needs.

Join us at Journey Air Pilot Training